Saturday, February 2, 2008

My New House of Technobabble

Knit-and-Run now publishes here. I wanted the newer functionality Blogger has to offer and the new name suits me. I spent a few hours adding pics to Flickr and Ravelry, both under the name of btrulyirish. Had I known there would be so much user id ing, I would have waited and kept one name for everything-it just seems messy to me.

Speaking of messy, I dug out photos of the day I faced my stash last July:



WIP: How long to log all this into Ravelry? I may never know. These two afghans were made eons ago, but hey, they're finished. I may even make a new Stitch Sampler afghan since the old one is showing its age.

Stitch Sampler Afghan pattern from: Afghans for All Seasons

A simple sc/ch3 pattern just to try the knotted fringe.

Leave it to a numbknit to post crochet on a knit blog.


Melody said...

lurv the new digs. you've been busy! and those right/left/center photos. imagine me.. with my jaw dropped. impressive! later numbnuts.. i mean knits.

QueSarah said...

I agree! Nice digs ;-) I changed the name of my blog too - I'm now Pugnacious Knits, same place though :-) I think this blog is easier to read. Great job!!!
PS... my stash is leaking out of the spare bedroom.. it may be time to face it... HA HA HA!!!!

Hockey Mom said...

Love the new digs! And your stash? Duuuude, it's bigger than mine!

Kim in Oregon said...

Lordy. It is like I don't know you at all! So organized! So ....categorical! So crochetish. Off to bookmark.

Jenni said...

I love the new name!

Nora said...

Ooh, it's nice over here. Welcome to your new home.


Nora said...

PS: I won't even comment on your stash - I'm speechless!!


Roseann said...

I will be sure to update my link to your new home. I enjoyed looking at your stash, such a variety of yarns. I can only wonder what my stash looks like, but when it is spread throughout the house, it is harder to keep track of.

margene said...

Ha, the new name! You had me wondering although I thought it was you.

NH Knitting Mama said...

Wowee! That is quite the stash! Lucky you...

Of course I'll follow you to your new digs.

Knittiana! said...

I very much like your stash... spiffy.

Sonya said...

Now that is a great stash!

hillary said...

the new digs are very nice. I especially like the welcoming sky picture.
Your stash pictures are great. They make me feel less guilty about mine.

Opal said...

Lovely new digs and the name. As for the stash, can I just say wow? I mean wow. Really, it bears repeating. Wow.

Rebekah said...

Nice new house. And don't worry, it surprisingly doesn't take as long as one might think. My stash took about 3 weekends to log into ravelry.

rebekah - KNit Knack

maryse said...

ha! no wonder you didn't see anything wrong with buying yarn.

Lynn said...

Numbknits?!? OMG that is hysterical!! Love the pics of the stash, makes me feel better!! And I will now change my favorites list to reflect the new you.

Lucia said...

Nice new digs! Please, talk about crochet as much as you like. There's no law against it.

Ari said...

I love the stash, and see nothing wrong with posting crochet on a knit blog, or anything else that heats yer tubes.

I see a few empty spots on the floor here and there, don't you need a bit more yarn to fill it in with?